
Here are the stories of some of the projects developed by Coranto.
Yes, stories. Because behind every project there are events, vicissitudes, relations with people, problems to be addressed and resolved.
At the end of a project, nothing is as before: those who took care of the project and those who requested it are changed; all are enriched with experiences and skills.
Relations between people: this is our way to mean projects.

Stories about projects

Some more significant projects


Web portal Lavazza

Lavazza is an Italian manufacturer of coffee products.

The project concerned the development of web portal in OpenCms platform.

We are get involved in the project by IIS Consulting; our tasks have been the technical analisys and the portal development. The development and the release of the project have been a challenge, because of the complexity of the project and the short time available.

Of course Coranto was not alone in this challenge: we attended in particular to design of global architecture, to analisys and creation of structured contents, to development of OpenCms templates and to other functionalities such as the import/export of Excel files to permit contents translation.

After the first release Coranto has been involved in website maintenance, in development of new functionalities and in the development of other sites outside of institutional portal.

  • Typology: Web site
  • Period: 2012 and 2013
  • Customer: IIS Consulting
  • End user: Lavazza
  • Go to website