Public administration

How We Can Help You

For over 20 years, we have been developing web platforms, both simple and complex, for Public Administrations, public and government entities, universities, and schools.

We work in the OpenCms (Open Source) environment and are experienced in collaborating with both technical and administrative staff.

We develop systems from scratch or integrate with existing systems, adhering to AGID guidelines on software acquisition and reuse for public administrations, as well as standards for transparency and accessibility.

Our Services Include:

  • Development of web portals in the OpenCms environment
  • OpenCms version upgrades
  • Support, consulting, and training in OpenCms
  • Web portal implementation: evolutionary maintenance and new features
  • Maintenance: preventive maintenance (aimed at preventing potential malfunctions) and corrective maintenance (aimed at fixing any bugs) for web portals
  • Integration with external systems
Web App OnTime

Web App OnTime

The application is designed for those who:

  • Have their desk cluttered with post-its, planners, or reminders;
  • Need to track attendance, shifts, vacations, and leave for collaborators or employees;
  • Have to send a monthly summary of working hours to the payroll consultant;
  • Work in project management and need to report various activities;
  • Want to monitor their work to optimize free time;
  • Need to organize their own work or that of their team.

The application can be used through a periodic subscription or can be purchased and customized by Coranto.

The web application is currently available only in Italian.

  • Typology: Web application
  • Period: 2020 - today
  • Customer: Aziende ed organizzazioni
  • End user: Aziende ed organizzazioni
  • Go to website